The Keto Diet

The Keto Diet encourages your body to produce ā€œketones,ā€ which are an alternative form of energy for it to run on when your blood sugar is low. Ketones are produced when you eat fewer carbs and higher amounts of fat.

By producing ketones, your body will enter a metabolic state called ketosis, which helps your body become more efficient at burning energy. Frequently recommended foods for those following the Keto Diet include natural fats such as butter and coconut oil, meat and fatty fish, cheese, eggs and leafy vegetables.

The Keto Diet is well-known for its strict limits on carbohydrate consumption. Some versions only allot for 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.

The Paleolithic Diet

The Paleolithic Diet more commonly referred to as the Paleo Diet, is a dietary plan based on foods that are like what might have been eaten during the Paleolithic era. The cornerstone concept behind this diet is that the modern diet lacks the proper amount of nutrients that humans need in order to be properly fueled.

Protein, for example, is one of the most important nutrients our bodies need, which is why the Paleo diet encourages regular consumption of meat, seafood and other animal products. Fresh, non-starchy vegetables are also staples of the Paleo Diet as are fruits, nuts and seeds, fish and oils from fruits and nuts, while whole grains, legumes, dairy products and highly processed foods are discouraged.